Well Saturday night the husband and I had intentions on relaxing and getting some fresh air out in the backyard. I made the kiddos some delicious cupcakes Miles made his famous burgers and then set up a fire out in the backyard to have a hot coco and melt marshmallows kind of night. Okay so getting to the point how our night turned into boohoo the kids were playing freeze tag and the famous zombie tag "aunt virgie invented" there was a piece of wood with a few nails sticking out of it as Miles was picking up the wood Anniah happened to step on the one with the nails and OUCH there went the scream of coarse as parents we got to her quick sure enough Anniah had a few punctures and she was bleeding everywhere, rushed her to the children's hospital. We didn't have to wait very long she was seen in a timely manner bandaged up and sent home she was perfectly fine thank god.

Well after the incident and being freaked out Miles and I sat by the fire to release some tension we had a drink and also lit some sparklers and talked just about anything from doubts, worries, to dreams and hopes wonderful feeling being married to someone that wants just about everything you ever dreamed of and to know that everything he does is for me, for us. I love you Miles and our beautiful babies;)